Sunday, January 27, 2013

It’s Saturday! The day that we all anticipated for the past few months has finally arrived!

The day started off quite interesting in the girls hotel room. We later came to find out that at about 4am, Tierra and Charne thought that Mikalyn and Nailah was having a conversation. A loud conversation. Later in the morning they asked Mikalyn what they were talking about. Mikalyn said that she wasn’t talking. She thought that Nailah was on her cell phone, and was wondering why. Well...Nailah wasn’t on her cell phone. Nailah was having a full blown conversation with....herself! Yes...she was talking in her sleep. Loud! Real loud! She was having a dream that she was speaking with an elder in her congregation, Brian Smith, and she was having a conversation with him using two different voices...yes, you read it right. That’s why the entire room thought that there was a conversation going on. What you learn about someone when you travel with them...

We had an enjoyable walk to the Waffle House. Well, on the way, my loving yet slightly crazy husband grabbed a homeless woman’s sign and stood on the corner trying to collect money for her...Mmmmm....

When we arrived to the Waffle House, it came to our attention that there was a division brewing among us. The youngins didn’t want to hang with the old heads. They kicked us to the curb! The nerve!
It was okay, we had a good time anyway! We headed back to the hotel and prepared for our 45 minute shuttle ride to the Port of Galveston. Gordon didn’t want Charne to place her luggage inside our shuttle, so he came up with an alternative place for her bag...
We arrived at the port and checked in, headed on to the ship and what did we do....ATE! Oh, we’ve been doing that a lot so far!
We then met up for something that I’ve been personally waiting for for about the past two years...Gelato!

Something interesting happened while we were eating our Gelato...a man an his wife came up and ask if the table was available, we responded no. They asked again, we responded no. I mean we were sitting at the table. I will give him the benefit of the doubt, there was music playing and he was an older gentleman. Well, he got smart with us! Gordon was like, “it’s okay, your’re on vacation.” He kinda smiled and then kinda didn’t and walked away. Gordon was determined to get a pic of him for all of you to see...the man got us back! Notice the bunny ears behind Curtis’ head! LOL!!!

We then all hopped from place to place listening to some tunes. I tried to find my inner Tina Turner while Tierra and I danced to “Proud Mary” (and no, I have not been drinking!!!)

We next went to another location to listen to a really nice band sing, and finally we topped the evening off with...

Ah yea! We became quite popular! There started off being only about ten people in the room and we were eight of them, but then it started filling up! Our group became known as “The Burghs”, plural because we were representing Harrisburg and Pittsburgh! We became instant celebrities. People were approaching us from around the ship asking if we were going back to karaoke! Telling us how much they enjoyed our many...yes, many performances.

Tierra sang “Under the Sea”, and Nailah and myself sang “Crazy In Love” and two crew members danced behind us doing the uh oh dance.
Gordon and Curtis sang “Yeah”, but the only words they really knew were “Yeah”, but it was entertaining nonetheless. Gordon and I did a show stopping rendition of “Purple Rain”! We decided to take our talents into the audience and share some love! It was awesome!!!!


It was an awesome day!!!!!!



Friday, January 25, 2013

It's only 4:30 pm and everyone's in bed!!!!  Help me!!!!
Well...we had a great day thus far!  First and foremost getting out of Pittsburgh before we had a boat load of snow fall on us! 

Charne enjoyed her first flight, although she was a little annoyed that her ears wouldn't pop!  The flight from ATL to Houston was quite a different situation, because first of all the plane was super duper ruper loud!  My sister, Mikalyn, Gordon and Nailah were using sign language with one another and finally pulled out ear plugs!  Yes Mikalyn carried enough ear plugs for three + people!  Who woulda thunk it!

There was something good.  Tierra was reading her daily text and a woman across from me was stretching herself to see what she was reading...she then pulled out her daily text!  She was a sister named Vicki from Louisville, KY (originally from Mexico) heading to Houston to visit her family for a long weekend.  Curtis said that he had an opportunity to witness on his flight as well (he flew a different airline than the rest of the group)

Okay, then...I kiind of embarrassed myself because the plane was coming in for a landing...and you could tell that it was going to be a rough landing! didnt' feel like the plane glided in for a landed, it just kind of came down...HARD...REAL HARD...and I screamed LOUD...REAL LOUD!!!!  It just took me off guard that's all!

I thought that I was doing pretty well by providing everyone "wet" wipes to sanitize their seating area on the plan (since I got the flu I've become a little obsessed), but the running joke is that the wet wipes were dry wipes!  Yes, never buy wet wipes from Dollar Tree!

Charne has been given several nicknames just today...let's see, there's Red Coat for her red coat, and Cracker Jack because she is dressed like the little man from the Cracker Jack Box.


We were able to check into our hotel (which is really nice!!) at 11 am so that was an extra bonus, and then we headed off to lunch at a local Mexican Restaurant - Don Carlos...was AWESOME!!!!!  Curtis danced all the way through his meal! 

We then headed to Walgreens for our water and wine for the ship, talked and laughed and headed back to the hotel.  Now it's 3:30 pm...ooooo...and everyone is getting ready for bed!  Exciting!!!

Well tomorrow's a big day!  Will check in later!