Friday, January 25, 2013

Well...we had a great day thus far!  First and foremost getting out of Pittsburgh before we had a boat load of snow fall on us! 

Charne enjoyed her first flight, although she was a little annoyed that her ears wouldn't pop!  The flight from ATL to Houston was quite a different situation, because first of all the plane was super duper ruper loud!  My sister, Mikalyn, Gordon and Nailah were using sign language with one another and finally pulled out ear plugs!  Yes Mikalyn carried enough ear plugs for three + people!  Who woulda thunk it!

There was something good.  Tierra was reading her daily text and a woman across from me was stretching herself to see what she was reading...she then pulled out her daily text!  She was a sister named Vicki from Louisville, KY (originally from Mexico) heading to Houston to visit her family for a long weekend.  Curtis said that he had an opportunity to witness on his flight as well (he flew a different airline than the rest of the group)

Okay, then...I kiind of embarrassed myself because the plane was coming in for a landing...and you could tell that it was going to be a rough landing! didnt' feel like the plane glided in for a landed, it just kind of came down...HARD...REAL HARD...and I screamed LOUD...REAL LOUD!!!!  It just took me off guard that's all!

I thought that I was doing pretty well by providing everyone "wet" wipes to sanitize their seating area on the plan (since I got the flu I've become a little obsessed), but the running joke is that the wet wipes were dry wipes!  Yes, never buy wet wipes from Dollar Tree!

Charne has been given several nicknames just today...let's see, there's Red Coat for her red coat, and Cracker Jack because she is dressed like the little man from the Cracker Jack Box.


We were able to check into our hotel (which is really nice!!) at 11 am so that was an extra bonus, and then we headed off to lunch at a local Mexican Restaurant - Don Carlos...was AWESOME!!!!!  Curtis danced all the way through his meal! 

We then headed to Walgreens for our water and wine for the ship, talked and laughed and headed back to the hotel.  Now it's 3:30 pm...ooooo...and everyone is getting ready for bed!  Exciting!!!

Well tomorrow's a big day!  Will check in later!


  1. Yummy! Food looks sooooo good! "Curtis danced all the way through his meal." Sounds like him. Enjoy, y'all. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more. :-)

  2. Hey yall, have fun! Eat some good food for me. I'm sooo envious!
