Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - Roatan, Hondorus

Cruise Journal
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today was an amazing day! It began with the gang meeting at the DaVinci Dining Room for a great breakfast. We were all eager and excited to head off the ship to preach.

After breakfast we then headed to the Piazza waiting to disembark, when someone saw that we were dressed in ties and dresses and asked if we were Witnesses. Come to find out that they were as well! In fact, they had seen us at karaoke the previous night and thought that we may have been Witnesses. There were about ten of our brothers and sister from Texas that we just had the pleasure of meeting. People were looking at us with curiosity. It was great!

Then the Captain came on the loud speaker to make an announcement, and someone came up to Tierra and Charne and asked if we were Witnesses, she was too. Her name is Tori and her mom’s name was Corianda and they were from Wisconsin. Tierra, Charne and Tori screamed out and began to hug one another. They were shhhhh’d! It was hilarious! We all agreed to meet at the International Cafe at 8pm this evening to talk more.


We then disembarked, and walked the long stretch to where we would meet the friends that were picking us up! On the walk to meet our ride, a bus (van) pulled up next to Gordon and asked why he was wearing a tie. I said, “are you a Witness?" He was from California! He and his wife are building a house in Roatan. He had with him two women who were sisters who were also on our ship, their names are Darlene and June. We continued our walk! I was so happy to see Feran again! She was sick on Friday and afraid that she wouldn’t be well enough to meet with us. She was accompanied by her son Ronnie and Tanya and Flynn Tomchuck’s daughter Alisha (Ronnie’s wife). Hugs and well wishes were exchanged and we were on our way.

We first stopped by the new Kingdom Hall! It was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!  They now have A/C and they need it!  LOL!

We went inside to take pictures, and while we were inside a brother by the name of Marco from Idaho came inside! He was a hot mess! He had a can in his hand. Gordon thought that it was Coor’s Light, but it turned out to be Diet Coke. If you’d been around him, you would of thought that it was liquor too! LOL! He was a pleasure to be around.

We then left and headed to the territory to do the preaching that we all came to experience. We stopped by the road side and asked Jehovah for his blessing and off we went. I had the opportunity to work with Feran and talk to her about the tragic plane accident that took the lives of all of the congregation elders two years ago.. She expressed that she was able to talk about it today without getting too emotional. She expressed that Jehovah truly took care of the congregation after the tragedy. She said that the young brothers often say that they must keep Jehovah first because, “that is what Flynn would want them to do.”




As we were walking from house to house, Gordon noticed a little girl taking pictures of us with her cell phone. Then she went and peeked out from behind a corner and we yelled out to her that we could still see her. I then approached her and asked her name, and gave her a tract about the paradise earth. She liked the animals in the picture. She then allowed me to take a picture of “her!”

We had many great experiences witnessing to people. Gordon had an excellent time speaking with a man outside of a local grocery store. He then called Ronnie over to meet the gentleman so that they could continue the discussion. Ronnie asked where the man lived and he said, “by the red house by the coconut groves”. Yes, they aren’t big on addresses here, you basically go by landmarks. So you have to be very descriptive and creative in keeping house to house records.

Others relaxed in the water to get a break from the heat!!!
Feran, Mikalyn and myself had an excellent experience. We walked up to a house, that really didn’t look much like a house. It was very poor and “ventilated” and there were two little children playing outside. Feran asked if their mom was home, and they said no. She then asked if their dad was home, and they said no. She then asked if they were home alone, and they said yes. They then disappeared back into the house. We heard them talking with someone, and then came back out. Feran then asked who was home with them and they said “John John”. Okay, we’re thinking that John John is a little kid....this HUGE man walks out, and I said “Hi John John” he just started smiling! Mikalyn said that the kids told who he was! He spoke English so I had the pleasure of witnessing to him, sharing scriptures and literature. He was very kind, listened, responded to questions and accepted the literature. I then asked the little boy, who was a doll, what his name was, and he just looked at me. I asked again and the little girl said, “his name is Big Head!” We just busted out laughing. So much so that John John told us his real name, but I can’t even remember. I then asked her name and she said Nicole. They were so adorable and were trying to grab the literature that I left for their mother from John John to read! It was an awesome experience!


After service we then headed to lunch. A sister by the name of Dixie cooked for our group! It was some of the best food we’ve ever tasted. As we would say...”she put her foot in it”. Seafood payaya with shrimp that tasted as if they came right from the ocean, fried sea bass, plantains, marinated chicken and fresh lemonade!  She then went and cut fresh coconuts right from the tree. We had yellow, green and brown coconut, which interestingly all had different flavors. Her daughter Nellie, who recently was baptized was there with us as well, along with their dog Patches. We tried to convince Dixie to come back to Pittsburgh with us, but I don’t think she will! (Really sad face!!!!)

We then left with sad goodbyes and headed to Tanya Tomchuck’s house. We were able to see our dear friend and her new fifteen month old granddaughter Baysha. It was so good to see Tanya again! While we were there, Ronnie took Gordon to a lady’s stand who was selling baked goods. She made a Yucca cake. I think that she left a toenail in that, because she definitely put her foot in it. It was kind of like a sweet potato texture, and very very delicious. Gordon finished the piece and then asked if anyone wanted any? He’s so bad!


Off we went to shopping. Feran took us back to the shop that was owned by a sister that we visited last time we were there. We had a good time shopping, as well as meeting some of her employees who were also Witnesses like Adabel who Gordon continued to harass, as well as a sister named Jamaica who was from Italy.

Feran then took us to another shop owned by a sister by the name of Maria. She also had a young sister working for her. She was just seventeen and recently baptized.


While we were shopping in came the brother who we earlier saw as we were walking to meet our group for the ministry. He was a brother that was from California by the name of Ernest. He and his wife Marti were building a home in Roatan. As we spoke trying to figure out if we had any friends in common, Gordon mentioned our friend Titon and Sommer. They knew them. Ernest would play basketball with Titon! ALWAYS a small world within Jehovah’s organization.

We then headed back to the ship and said our goodbye’s to our dear friends. It was such a pleasure! They were very appreciative of the gift bag that we brought. Feran said that all the sister would get together and distribute the things they are given.  That have a whole lot to distribute this time, thanks to the generosity of the friends who contributed so many items!

Exhausted from the walking and from the heat, but overjoyed by the wonderful experiences. We all headed off to bed pretty early tonight because, first we were exhausted and second we had another big day ahead of us tomorrow!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a wonderful way to spend your vacation, spreading seeds of Kingdom truth! May Jehovah bless you!
